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iThrive Ideas™

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To Buy or Not to Buy

With the housing market as hot as it is, economists from all ends of the spectrum have become increasingly vocal as to their predictions for the upcoming years. Some have tossed around the term “housing bubble” with memories of the 2008 housing crisis, while others have argued that home prices have been increasing at stable levels and will continue to do so.

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Are You Being "Sandwiched"?

The term “Sandwich Generation” refers to the phenomenon in the U.S. and many Western countries where a large and ever-growing percentage of the population provides care for their aging parents or relatives in addition to their children.

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Can Money Buy Happiness?

This Holiday Season, families will reunite and celebrate various holidays and traditions. This time of year is often filled with joyous emotion as many view their families, friends, and others closest to them as their main source of happiness. Many of those same people have also said, “Money can’t buy happiness!” …But can it?

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Columbus Day

This year Columbus Day will be celebrated this Monday, October 9th. The holiday commemorates Christopher Columbus’s arrival to the new world in October of 1492. Columbus Day was first celebrated in 1792 on the 300th anniversary of Columbus’s landing, and became a National Holiday in 1937.

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How to Hit Your Savings Goals

Goals are one of the principal starting points of any financial plan. It may seem like the idea of goal setting is reserved for life’s biggest adventures, but in reality having a different spectrum of goals, whether it be short term or long term, is crucial for keeping your finances and savings on track.

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