Fall Financial Tips
With students back to school and Labor Day behind us, the summer season has unofficially come to an end. With an eye towards Fall, here are a few financial tips to focus on these last four months of the year:
Proactive Tax Planning
Just a quick reminder that if you’re required to make quarterly estimated tax payments, the deadline for Q3 2018 is Monday, September 17, 2018. If you’re self-employed or find you have earned significantly more money this year than you had anticipated, you may want to review your income earned Year to Date, estimate what you expect to earn for the remainder of the year and reach out to your accountant or financial planner to help; you don’t want to be surprised with a large tax bill and penalties for not paying enough throughout the year come next April.
For those of you who still haven’t filed your 2017 federal tax return and are on extension, the deadline to do so is Monday, October 15, 2018.
Prepare for Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment will be here before you know it and with it, the task of deciding which level of coverage to select. Try to anticipate what type of medical maintenance or procedures may be required next year and chose your plan accordingly. Once selected, and if employed, be sure to make necessary changes to your Health Savings or Flexible Spending accounts.
A Few Miscellaneous Ways to Save Money
This is a great time of year to review additional services and coverages as well.
When is the last time you shopped your home and auto insurance or reviewed the policies with your agent to ensure you have adequate and appropriate coverage?
What about reviewing your mobile phone and cable coverage for savings? Try working the cable providers against each other to lower your monthly bill and increase access to higher speed internet and entertainment options.
For additional savings, consider cancelling services or memberships you no longer use or want.
Think Ahead and Be Proactive
Securing your financial future may seem like an overwhelming and daunting task but it shouldn’t be pushed to the side. If there is a major change in your life (good or bad) that could impact your financial well-being in the near to intermediate future – act now. Call us to schedule a review meeting or for those who are not yet clients, take the first steps towards liberation from financial worry.