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iThrive Ideas™

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Are You Being "Sandwiched"?

The term “Sandwich Generation” refers to the phenomenon in the U.S. and many Western countries where a large and ever-growing percentage of the population provides care for their aging parents or relatives in addition to their children.

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2017 Year-End Tax Alert

The new tax act didn't’t leave a lot of time for interpretation or action. If you itemize your deductions and they total more than $12,000 (single) or $24,000 (married), you should seriously consider these four strategies. We know you only have a few days left in the year, but the savings could be worth thousands of dollars.

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Can Money Buy Happiness?

This Holiday Season, families will reunite and celebrate various holidays and traditions. This time of year is often filled with joyous emotion as many view their families, friends, and others closest to them as their main source of happiness. Many of those same people have also said, “Money can’t buy happiness!” …But can it?

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