Do You Plan More For Your Pets Than For Yourself?
According to the American Pet Products Association, approximately 68% of US families have a pet in their home.
For many of us, being responsible pet owners, we pay special attention to making sure their every need is met; spending close to $70 billion per year on things such as food, grooming, veterinarian care and over the counter medicines. While many pets like to join their families on trips, sometimes it’s just not possible for them to come along.
What do you do in this situation? For many of us it’s easy to go a little overboard with the instructions we leave for our pet sitters…what and when he eats, favorite toy, nap times, and the all too familiar pet idiosyncrasies - you get the picture. Included with these overly detailed instructions are important items such as where we’ll be, how to get in touch with us, and importantly, our Vet’s emergency number…because you just can’t be too careful.
The same goes with arranging our own financial lives…you can’t be too careful. Do you have a plan? How about an up to date will and beneficiary designations? According to AARP only 40% of Americans surveyed have a will. Do your loved ones know where your important information is stored?
Sadly, most of us are more prepared to care for our “fur babies” than ourselves and human family members. Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, it’s never too late to start the planning process.