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5 Things the Easter Bunny Can Teach Us About Retirement

Here are a couple interesting facts about the Easter Bunny...

  1. He/She is German
  2. The Bunny was first mentioned as an egg-bringer in 1682
  3. Started out as a judge, deciding whether children were naughty or nice. If good they would lay eggs for them
  4. Aside from Halloween, Easter is the best candy-selling holiday
  5. Americans buy more than 700 million marshmallow peeps during the Easter Holiday
  6. Americans consume over 16 million jellybeans on Easter
  7. 76% of people eat the ears on chocolate bunnies first
  8. Households spend $131 on Easter each year, $14.7 billion in total

The Easter Bunny can also teach us about Retirement. Here is a fun article

Happy Easter!